
Reseñas totales


Valoración media

★★★★★ Excelente 4057
★★★★☆ Bien 79
★★★☆☆ Medio 6
★★☆☆☆ Mala 0
★☆☆☆☆ Horrible 0

Todas las reseñas

11 mese atrás

Gran módulo, hace lo que necesito y probablemente mucho más.

11 mese atrás

The best megamenu module

Excellent module, with many features to have a great megamenu for the shop!

11 mese atrás

Gran módulo para reseñas y preguntas y respuestas.

Maravilloso módulo para mostrar reseñas y preguntas y respuestas. Soporte, muy amable y servicial para resolver problemas.

11 mese atrás

An excelent module combined with the most awesome support team!

This module is excellent, it does it's job very well, works like a charm. There are plenty of options and configurations that helps everyone to understand what SEO really is and how it should be done. Excellent work, kudos to the developers.
But what impressed me the most is the PrestaHeso support team. They are just awesome, quickly answered to all my questions, even if some of them was not directly related to this module. Kudos to them!!
Definitley, PrestaHero is, and it will always be, my first place to search modules for my PrestaShop store.

Thank you, PrestaHero Team!!

11 mese atrás

bastante completo

Tiene casi todas las funcionalidades que puedas necesitar, le falta tarifa por anuncio