Allow customers to earn rewards (loyalty points or cash) when they buy, sell, or refer new customers to your website. Includes 3 marketing programs: Loyalty, Referral, and Affiliate to unlock a 50% revenue increase and build customer loyalty.
Our PrestaShop affiliate module enables your customers to get rewards when they buy products on your website or help you sell your products via 3 programs:
After earning rewards, customers can use them to:
Let’s discover how this module can help you to run your loyalty and affiliate marketing campaigns through the 3 built-in marketing methods:
The loyalty program allows you to give your customers rewards when they purchase products selling on your online store. This program encourages customers to purchase more to get more rewards thus it will increase your sales and revenue.
This module also helps you turn your existing customers into sponsors who help refer your website and products to more potential customers (their friends). You give rewards to the sponsors every time their friends register an account or make an order on your website (multi-level marketing).
This program helps turn your customers into hardworking sellers or affiliates, they can sell your products and get commission (rewards) for every product they sold.
Loyalty, Referral & Affiliate Program offers you the three most common marketing programs: loyalty, referral (or sponsorship), and affiliate programs – all in one PrestaShop marketing module.
Our module can be quickly installed into your PrestaShop store and ready right away to work. Enable the programs you need and you’re done! It totally doesn’t require affiliate marketing knowledge to run this module.
Help you sharply increase your revenue and the number of customers, and broadcast your online store to various potential customers.
Our PrestaShop referral program module comes with an excellent built-in statistics feature that helps you to always keep track of the growth and efficiency of your marketing campaigns. It also helps customers, sponsors, and sellers have an overview of their affiliate account as well as helps them easily control the efficiency of their marketing effort on your website.
Sending a notification email to your customers using a cronjob. You can choose to run cronjob automatically or manually.
This module has a professional and friendly interface for both administrators and customers, both front office and back office.
Module dashboard provides an overview of the marketing programs and activities of customers, sponsors, and affiliates on your website.
You can set up conditions to apply for a loyalty program such as applicable customer groups; availability time; the minimum amount spent to join the loyalty program, etc.
You can also configure how to calculate rewards for customers when they purchase loyalty products and customize introduction messages about your loyalty program.
You can set up conditions to apply for a referral program, configure how to give rewards, offer a voucher code to sponsored friends, or allow sponsors to generate their voucher codes and give these vouchers to their friends, etc.
You can set up conditions to apply for the affiliate program, configure reward settings and offer a voucher code to customers if they come from an affiliate link, customize the welcome message, etc.
Option to export and import reward data and module configurations
The cronjob is set up to send emails to customers automatically when their reward is going to be expired.
General settings for marketing programs, order status, notification email configuration, etc.
Display the total amount of loyalty reward a customer has.
Step 1: Download and install PrestaHero Connect: https://prestahero.com/en/145-prestahero-connect.html
Step 2: Reload your back office, then navigate to "PrestaHero > PrestaHero modules" and click on "Connect to PrestaHero" to connect your website with PrestaHero securely with your PrestaHero credentials.
Step 3: Find the module you purchased (or free) modules and click "Install" or "Upgrade" to install the modules or upgrade your modules any time a new version is released.
Version 1.8.3
Version 1.7.9
Version 1.7.8
Version 1.7.7
Version 1.7.6
Version 1.7.5
Version 1.7.3
Version 1.7.2
Version 1.7.1
Version 1.7.0
Version 1.6.9
Version 1.6.6
Version 1.6.4
Version 1.6.3
Version 1.6.2
Version 1.6.1