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  • €0.00 - €140.00

    €0.00 €140.00

Search & Filter

Allow your visitors to find the product they are looking for easily.

Optimized searches can double your conversion rate and, due to browsing with facets and filters, your customers can easily find the product they want, by selecting the desired brand, color, size... An idea to radically increase your sales!

Active filters

Introduce PrestaShop search module

Total Search: Products, categories, CMS and more

€111.99 -20%

A PrestaShop search module: Advanced Search & filter by products, categories, CMS pages, manufacturers, and more with Ajax technology. Smart searching, fast and relevant results, convenient and friendly with users.

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Sort By Trending

Sort By Trending


A free PrestaShop sort products order module that automatically sorts products displayed on the front office by trending grades based on sales, ratings, download, or specific priority.

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Search By Category

Search By Category


Search products faster by category combined with Ajax. Help customers find the exact product they need easier!

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