Reseñas totales
4147Valoración media
★★★★★ Excelente 4048
★★★★☆ Bien 79
★★★☆☆ Medio 6
★★☆☆☆ Mala 0
★☆☆☆☆ Horrible 0
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9 mese atrás
Beautiful templates and it doesn't make it slow on the store. Amazing customer service
9 mese atrás
Good product
9 mese atrás
Módulo muy bien hecho y claro.
9 mese atrás
This module virtually saved my life moving my data from PS 1.5 to PS 8.1! Thank you!
9 mese atrás
Excellent module; it does it job perfectly and fits with my custom theme.