
How To Restore The Original Quality Of The Optimized Images?

If you wish to restore optimized images to their original quality, you can follow these straightforward instructions. Please note that this process only applies to images that have been optimized using the Super Speed module. Images optimized with other modules cannot be restored with this method.

Step 1: Select image types to restore

Go to the "Image Optimization > Optimize images" page in the Super Speed module. Here, you can select the types of images you want to restore to their original quality. You can choose from options like product images, category images, and more.

Step 2: Choose the optimization method

Next, select the optimization method for restoring the images. You can choose any method, even if it's different from the one used during initial optimization.

Step 3: Adjust image quality setting

Now, locate the "Image quality" slider and set it to 100%. This ensures that the restored images will be of the highest quality.

Step 4: Restore original images

After adjusting the image quality, click the "Restore original images" button. The Super Speed module will then restore the selected images to their original quality.

By following these straightforward steps, you can effortlessly restore the original quality of your optimized images, ensuring that your website maintains the highest standards of visual excellence. If you have any questions or need further assistance, don't hesitate to contact our support team.

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