
Totale recensioni


Valutazione media

★★★★★ Eccellente 3780
★★★★☆ Bene 72
★★★☆☆ Medio 6
★★☆☆☆ Scarsa 0
★☆☆☆☆ Terribile 0

Tutte le recensioni

11 mesi ago

Excellent support!

11 mesi ago

Très bon module et le service client très réactif, je ne parvenait pas à installer le module et ils ont réglé le problème, avec à la clé des conseils, encore merci

11 mesi ago

Very usefull module.

Very good idea!
With this module, your Prestahero modules will be always on last update!
Very important!

11 mesi ago

Fantastic module and support!

This module has all kind of imaginable options! But still is very easy to setup!
It helps me a lot to keep clients. And in this competitive world is almost most important thing in web commerce!

And their support is fantastic. They respond immediately and they solve any doubt or problem quickly! Great stuff!

Also, they have constant updates, and especially for new versions of PS.

100% Recomendation!

11 mesi ago

Fantastic module and support!

This module is fantastic! It's so easy and on very logical way to make any design you want for your menu and all process is VISUALLY!

They doing also fantastic job with constant updates and best of all is that you'll get it forever!

Another story is support! They are incredible! They answer almost immediately and if you have any problem they will start immediately to resolve it.


I have never seen this kind of support.

Also, as you already seen, they have very nice webshop, with all information for every module.

For me, best software company!