
Totale recensioni


Valutazione media

★★★★★ Eccellente 4048
★★★★☆ Bene 79
★★★☆☆ Medio 6
★★☆☆☆ Scarsa 0
★☆☆☆☆ Terribile 0

Tutte le recensioni

9 mesi fa

Il modulo fa perfettamente quello che dice. Abbiamo avuto un problema con il nostro modello e il servizio tecnico non si è fermato finché non lo abbiamo risolto. Raccomandabile!

9 mesi fa

The module is very well designed and clear, the settings are intuitive and simple. It works well and the support is absolutely excellent. As soon as any problem arises, they respond essentially immediately and resolve everything in a moment.

9 mesi fa

Not always easy, but after help, it runs wery good.

9 mesi fa

Recommend, product works properly. No issues in upgrade on website with 10.000 products

9 mesi fa

The service was very helpful and they followed up when additional help was needed. Overall one of the better module developers for prestashop.