
Totale recensioni


Valutazione media

★★★★★ Eccellente 3777
★★★★☆ Bene 72
★★★☆☆ Medio 6
★★☆☆☆ Scarsa 0
★☆☆☆☆ Terribile 0

Tutte le recensioni

2 mesi ago

Molto utile per la gestione della SEO del sito ed i linK!

2 mesi ago

Anche questa volta servizio e assistenza rapida ed impeccabile.

2 mesi ago

Todo perfecto como siempre. Buena comunicación con el vendedor.

2 mesi ago

The module works very well and, compared to others available on the market, it's, in my opinion, unrivaled - very intuitive, has a clear and nicely designed panel, has many different, well-functioning functionalities that enable many opportunities to individualize the offer for individual customers and people cooperating with the brand. The module has everything I needed - filters, the ability to generate codes, collecting points (with an expiration date) and exchanging them for prizes or cash, setting various limits or the ability to recommend from a link. Another big advantage for me is the ability to freely contact people from PrestaHero - I had a lot of questions and the answers always came very quickly, so I'm very pleased with the contact! The ability to customize the module was also very important to me and PrestaHero helped me to do it without any problems!

2 mesi ago

Muy buen producto y buen soporte adicional