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Cross-selling & Product bundles

Increase your customers' average basket with additional sales!

Two simple tricks to increase your store’s average cart: first, offer cross-selling to encourage your customers to add complementary products or essential accessories to their cart on product pages, an added-to-cart confirmation window or directly on the order summary page! Also offer your products in batches, by creating packs according to available stock. The sales offer will encourage your customers to take advantage of it. The result: a higher average cart, and optimal customer satisfaction!

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Introduce the Prestashop cross selling module

Cross Selling Pro - Upsell - Shopping cart & all pages

€111.99 -20%

Cross-selling (upsell products) offers automated product suggestions to display on the shopping cart, product page, order page, etc. Help increase the visibility of related products, encourage customers to buy more items, and boost your sales.

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Introduce PrestaShop home products module

Home Products PRO - Featured products, Home categories

€111.99 -20%

Home Products PRO helps your homepage look organized and increases the visibility of all products, allowing you to display featured product lists and homepage categories on rows or tabs with a carousel slider and grid layout.

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Smart Related Products, Same category products

Smart Related Products, Same category products


A free PrestaShop related products module helps you show related products block for customers based on the same category, prioritized products, or prioritized categories.

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