Boosts your website's social presence by incentivizing visitors to share content or follow your social channels. Gain high-quality followers, improve SEO, and collect valuable customer data.
While it is possible to get likes and shares through conventional methods, it is difficult because:
Social Locker is a PrestaShop Social module that locks your most valuable site content behind a set of social buttons until the visitor likes, shares, +1s or tweets your page. In other words, it asks people to "pay" with a Tweet, Like, Share or +1 if they want access to your content.
Social Locker is a simple tool that will systematically add viral traffic to any of your websites, any of your opt-in funnels or any of your sales-pages, 100% of the time.
Followers are actually your customers who are really interested in your products and services. By installing Social Locker on your PrestaShop store, you will convert any visitor into follower on targeted social networks that play a vital role in modern marketing strategies today.
Social Locker offers a feature that allows you to ask visitor of your store to log into your website using their social network account before they can see your valuable content. Once they do that, the system will create an account for them on your website with their personal information (email, name, etc.). By this way, you can collect the visitor’s personal information and also convert the visitor into a customer account.
Google's search algorithm takes over 200 factors into consideration when determining which results to show for a search query and in what order. Social media is one of the most important factors in their algorithm and has a significant influence on how a site ranks in a search. With the help of PrestaShop Social Locker module, your social media performance will witness a dramatic increase.
1. Like, share, tweet, G+1 or subscribe to YouTube channel to unlock content (support all major social network buttons)
Social Locker enables you to “lock” your valuable content behind a set up common social network buttons (like, share, tweet or YouTube subscription button), customer can only see the content until they like, share, tweet your website, your product pages, your social network pages, any URL you want or subscribe to your YouTube channel.
2. Sign in to unlock content
PrestaShop Social Locker module also supports the social network login button, visitor can only see the locked content until they have logged into your website using their social network account. The module will then create a normal customer account for the visitor on your website with account details (username and password) sent to their email address.
3. Awesome design
Social Locker comes with an attractive design including 6 locker layouts (locker themes) for your preference.
4. Social traffic statistics with professional analytic chart
Social Locker provides social traffic statistic feature where you can see your achievement of new likes, shares, tweets, G+1, YouTube subscriptions or new customer accounts generated by Social Locker in detail with a professional analytic chart.
5. Live back office editor
Social Locker allows you to preview your locker (the appearance of the social buttons set on the front end) directly in the back office.
6. Easy customizability
7. Multi-shop and multi-language
This module fully supports PrestaShop multi-shop mode as well as its multi-language standards. You can create particular content lockers for each shop and translate all the words you see in your languages.
Step 1: Download and install PrestaHero Connect: https://prestahero.com/en/145-prestahero-connect.html
Step 2: Reload your back office, then navigate to "PrestaHero > PrestaHero modules" and click on "Connect to PrestaHero" to connect your website with PrestaHero securely with your PrestaHero credentials.
Step 3: Find the module you purchased (or free) modules and click "Install" or "Upgrade" to install the modules or upgrade your modules any time a new version is released.
Version 1.0.4
Update compatibility with PrestaShop 8.1.6