
How Sellers Can Upload New Products To Their Store

On a PrestaShop thriving marketplace, the sellers have the opportunity to showcase their products to a vast audience and expand their customer base. To embark on this journey, mastering the product listing process is essential. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the steps of listing seller products, catering to both scenarios: manual approval and automatic approval.

Scenario 1: Product listing with manual approval

Access the Product listing page

  • From “My seller account” page, select “Products” tab.
  • Click on the "Add Product" button to initiate the product listing process.


Product information

  • Enter a descriptive product title that accurately reflects the item being offered.
  • Provide a detailed product description that highlights the product's features, benefits, and specifications.
  • Upload high-quality product images from various angles to showcase the product visually.
  • Select the appropriate product category that aligns with the product's type and purpose. This categorization helps buyers easily discover relevant products while browsing the marketplace.


Pricing and inventory

  • Set the product's price, considering factors like production costs, market value, and profit margins.
  • Indicate the available product quantity to ensure accurate inventory management.
  • Provide any additional information that might be relevant to the product, such as shipping details, warranty information, or product dimensions.


Submit for review

  • Once all fields are complete, click the "Submit" button.
  • The seller’s product will be added to a queue for review by the marketplace admin.
  • Upon approval, the product will become visible to potential customers.


Scenario 2: Product listing with automatic approval

Provide the product information

  • Similar to manual approval, navigate to the "Products" tab and click on the "Add Product" button.
  • Follow the same steps as in Scenario 1 to provide accurate and comprehensive product details.
  • Select the relevant product category, ensuring it aligns with your product's classification.
  • Enter the product's price and available quantity, as in Scenario 1.
  • Provide any additional information that enhances the product's presentation.


Publish product

  • Click on the "Submit" button.
  • Your product will be immediately visible to buyers without the need for manual approval.


Bulk product listing via CSV file

For sellers with a large number of products, utilizing a CSV file offers an efficient approach to bulk product listing:

Step 1: Prepare your CSV file

  • Create a CSV file containing all relevant product information, including product name, image, quantity, price, description, summary, link rewrite, categories, default category, and combinations.
  • Ensure the CSV file is formatted correctly and adheres to the marketplace's specific requirements.


Step 2: Access product import

  • Navigate to the seller dashboard and locate the "Products" section.
  • Click on the "Import Products" button.


Step 3: Upload and import CSV file

  • Select the prepared CSV file from your computer's storage.
  • Initiate the import process by clicking on the "Import" button.
  • Review the imported product details and make any necessary adjustments before finalizing the import.


By mastering these product listing procedures, your sellers can effectively showcase their products, attract potential customers, and expand their business reach within a PrestaShop dynamic marketplace.

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