
How to Customize Address Fields on Checkout Page

In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of customizing the address fields on the checkout page using the One Page Checkout & Social Login module.

Step 1: Go to the "Address" tab in the module's configuration.


Step 2:

  • You'll see a list of address fields that you can request customers to provide during the checkout process.
  • Choose or deselect the address fields you wish to include, mark them as required if necessary, or rearrange the order of address fields by dragging and dropping.


Step 3:

  • The module supports auto-fill address features using the Google Maps API.
  • Turn on the "Enable Google auto-fill for address" option and enter your Google Places API key.
  • Follow the guide on how to obtain a Google Places API key.


Step 4: Once you have customized the address fields and enabled the Google auto-fill feature, click on the "Save" button to apply the changes.


If you encounter any difficulties displaying the address form or experience issues with integrating the auto-complete address API, please don't hesitate to contact PrestaHero's support team for assistance.

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