
How To Manually Migrate Images From Source Store To Target Store

By default, the module will automatically migrate all selected image files from the source site to the target site. However, you might consider manually migrating image files in the following scenarios:

  • Large number of images: If the source site has a very large number of images or if the image files are large, the automatic migration process can take a considerable amount of time. Manually migrating images can help reduce the overall migration time.
  • Same server: If the source and target sites are hosted on the same server, manually copying the images can be quick and straightforward.

To manually migrate images from the source site to the target site, follow these steps:


Step 1: Enable manual image migration

  • On the “Migration” screen, scroll down and click on the "Advanced settings" option to access and configure additional migration options according to your preferences.
  • Look for an option labeled "Manually copy images to target site when database migration completed" and select it to enable manual image migration.

Note: This option will only be visible if the "Keep IDs" option is enabled in the "Advanced Settings" popup. If the "Keep IDs" option is disabled, the manual image migration option will not be available, as images are stored according to the IDs of products, categories, etc.


Step 2: Initiate the migration process

  • Proceed with initiating the migration process as usual. This will migrate all other data entities from the source site to the target site, excluding images.
  • Allow the migration process to complete. Once the migration is finished, the target site will be ready to receive the images manually.


Step 3: Copy image folder

  • After the migration is completed, locate the image folder on the source site containing all the images you wish to migrate.
  • Copy this image folder from the source site to your local system or storage device.

For example: if you want to manually copy all product images from the source store to the target store:

  • Navigate to the img/p directory on your source site.
  • Copy this img/p folder from the source site to your local system or storage device.


Step 4: Upload images to the target site

  • Once you have the image folder from the source site, access the target site's file system or directory where images are stored.
  • Paste the copied image folder into the corresponding directory on the target site. This will transfer all images and attachments from the source site to the target site.

For example:

  • On the target site, navigate to the directory where product images are stored, usually img/p.
  • Paste the copied img/p folder into the corresponding img/p directory on the target site. This will transfer all product images from the source site to the target site.


Step 5: Verify migration

  • After pasting the image folder into the target site, verify that all images have been successfully transferred.
  • Check various pages and sections of the target site to ensure that images display correctly and attachments are accessible.


Step 6: Regenerate thumbnail images manually

If you are migrating data from a PrestaShop 1.6 source site to a target site running a newer version of PrestaShop, follow these steps to regenerate thumbnail images. This step is not necessary if migrating from PrestaShop 1.7 or higher.

  • From your website back office, navigate to “Design > Image settings” page.
  • Scroll down to “Regenerate thumbnails” section.
  • Select the types of images you want to regenerate the thumbnail.
  • Click on “Regenerate thumbnails” button to finish.

By following these steps, you can manually migrate images from the source site to the target site. This method allows you to maintain control over the migration process and ensures that all images are transferred accurately to the new site.

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