Save & Share My Cart is a PrestaShop save cart free module that allows customers to save their shopping carts to buy later or share them with their friends so that they can buy your store products easier without searching.
Customers are not always able to carry out a seamless shopping process, sometimes that process will be interrupted by other things. Because of that, their shopping cart may be lost and when they come back, they will have to search for the products from the beginning. That is not only inconvenient but sometimes also makes customers less interested in shopping, which leads to a decrease in the store's revenue.
In addition, from my experience, there is one more problem is when you see your friend buy an interesting product from store A, but I'm pretty sure that you are at least 1 time used to find difficulties to look for it on their website, even sometime you can't find it. So how can your customers buy the same product with their friends from your website easier?
With “Save & Share My Cart” – our PrestaShop save and share cart module, all the problems above will be solved easily. Your customers can not only save their shopping carts to buy later but also share them with their friends. Thanks to this PrestaShop save shopping cart module, their friends will receive a link via email. They can click the link to see the shopping cart, all of the shared products will be added automatically to their cart. Make it more convenient for them to buy your store products without searching.
• Allow customers to save their shopping cart.
• Enable customers to share their shopping cart with their friends.
• The module will generate a link to the sharer's cart, when a customer shares their cart, an email will be sent to the shared person so that they only need to click the link on the email and the shared products are automatically added to their cart. Therefore, they can buy your store products easier without searching.
• The module allows you to override or append a shared person's shopping cart
• You are able to set the number of clicks to the shopping cart link on the email.
• Support multi-store mode.
• Support multiple languages.
Step 1: Download and install PrestaHero Connect: https://prestahero.com/en/145-prestahero-connect.html
Step 2: Reload your back office, then navigate to "PrestaHero > PrestaHero modules" and click on "Connect to PrestaHero" to connect your website with PrestaHero securely with your PrestaHero credentials.
Step 3: Find the module you purchased (or free) modules and click "Install" or "Upgrade" to install the modules or upgrade your modules any time a new version is released.
Version 1.0.7
Update compatibility with PrestaShop 8.1.6
Version 1.0.6
Update French translation
Version 1.0.5
Update compatibility with PrestaShop 8.x