
Total reviews


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★★★★★ Excellent 3839
★★★★☆ Good 75
★★★☆☆ Medium 6
★★☆☆☆ Poor 0
★☆☆☆☆ Terrible 0

All reviews

1 month ago

Perfect tool and fast support!

Perfect tool and fast support!

1 month ago

Very useful

A very useful module for my site and easy to administer.

1 month ago

It solved our SMTP issues with Amazon

Great plugin. It solved our SMTP issues with Amazon instantly by switching to SES Webservice API

1 month ago

Very complete module

Very easy to use and very complete module. I have had problems with my version of Prestashop 1.6 but they have resolved them very efficiently. The technical service is really very good!! 100% recommended.

1 month ago

Merci PrestaHero

Thank you PrestaHero
After a redesign, we pulled our hair for more than a month to succeed in speeding up our website which contained pages with a loading time of 7 seconds!

We tested many things, changing servers, Cloudflare config without success to cache HTML pages without creating a bug, we tested many varnish cache configs, nginx.. table cleaning..

The only solution that worked was this module which allowed us to cache our HTML pages. Result, once the site pages are cached, we have a loading time between 0.5 and 1s.

I still had to call on PrestaHero support to resolve problems similar to those created by the caching of html by Cloudflare, the shopping cart which does not update, etc. On the other hand, PrestaHero has always been very responsive to my messages. I waited 15 days for the problem to be resolved, despite everything, the result is there!