Your conversion rate is the percentage of visitors to your website that complete a desired goal (a conversion) out of the total number of visitors. A high conversion rate is indicative of successful marketing and web design: It means people want what you're offering, and they're easily able to get it!
The ultimate goal of any online store is to create a smooth and engaging shopping experience. In this article, we will show you how to increase the conversion rate of your Prestashop e-commerce site.
Don’t worry about ‘average’ rates. A good conversion rate to strive for is better than the one you have right now. There are just too many variables that affect conversions, so it’s very difficult to have comparisons between different sites. The quality of the traffic is a major contributor. Rates around 1% and 2% are fairly common.
If we’d have to pick one single thing that would sell a product online, it’s images. People want to see what they’re getting. The important point of boosting e-commerce conversion rates is having high-quality photos of your product. The more the better. Show the products from different angles, in context, and make them zoom-able.
Product descriptions matter. The role of product copy is to give customers enough information, so they could convince themselves this is the right product for them. Clarity trumps persuasion. The best sales copy is full, complete information. No hype is needed. If you sell stuff you don’t make, don’t just repeat the manufacturer’s canned descriptions. Add your personal touch and recommendations – tell the customer why you personally recommend this product and how it will help them
Images are good, but everything indicates that video is the future. Photos have their limitations, video is the next step before actual touching and feeling. If you’re not doing product videos yet, do them for at least part of the inventory and see if it makes a difference.
Do you know how many merchants offer free shipping? Half of them! Some offers are always free, and some have conditions. An E-tailing Group study revealed that unconditional free shipping is the #1 criterion for making a purchase (73% listed it as ‘critical’). In another study, 93% of respondents indicated that free shipping on orders would encourage them to purchase more products. High shipping costs were rated as the number one reason why consumers were not satisfied with their online shopping experience. In fact, shipping costs are the main reason why people prefer brick-and-mortar to online.
If you charge for shipping
If you decide to still charge for shipping, you have to do this one thing: mention shipping costs upfront. If you can, charge a flat fee (simple pricing is best) instead of per item.
The above-mentioned E-tailing Group study conducted at the end of 2015 found that 47% of online buyers would only buy discounted products, except under exceptional circumstances. 62% said they are looking for a section that identifies sales and specials. With endless sales, Groupon and its clones have trained people to shop cheaply. Discount-seeking behavior is set to continue, so think about having a dedicated “sales” section on your site. Naturally, do what’s right for your brand, but it might be something worth experimenting with.
Suggestion: Display the special products clearly right on your website homepage with Prestashop featured categories module.