
Tổng số đánh giá


Đánh giá trung bình

★★★★★ Xuất sắc 3777
★★★★☆ Tốt 72
★★★☆☆ Trung bình 6
★★☆☆☆ Kém 0
★☆☆☆☆ Kinh khủng 0

Tất cả các đánh giá

Xếp hạng
2 tháng ago

We were looking for a chat that could work in a multistore environment; we had some configuration issues, but everything was solved thanks to developer fast assistance.

2 tháng ago

Dear Support Team I megrated my prestashop to some other domain. Everything's alright, however the modules had not been megrated. Is there a solution? I look forward to your promed reply. Best regards, Alexander

2 tháng ago

The module is good. I had some minor compatibility issues, but the support team quickly resolved them.

2 tháng ago

super, y sont vite disponible pour régler les bug récurent, je suis totalement satisfait de ce module, les options supplémentaire de base sur prestashop on est vite bloqué. Merci a vous pour votre professionnalisme

2 tháng ago

Très bon module. Fonctionne très bien. Support très réactif pour un besoin spécifique.