
Tổng số đánh giá


Đánh giá trung bình

★★★★★ Xuất sắc 4054
★★★★☆ Tốt 79
★★★☆☆ Trung bình 6
★★☆☆☆ Kém 0
★☆☆☆☆ Kinh khủng 0

Tất cả các đánh giá

Xếp hạng
10 tháng trước

Ottimo modulo per semplificare il checkout e strepitosa assistenza come sempre i moduli PRESTAHERO sono una garanzia.

10 tháng trước

Installed and run with no any problems in 20 min. Reach functionality, fully responsive. With presta hero support you will never be left with an unresolved problem

10 tháng trước

I'm quite pleased with how the modules work, it's my favorite module provider. Everything always works perfectly and they deliver what they offer.

10 tháng trước

Very good module, easy to configure and very practical for grouping everything together on one page. Social logins are also very practical! I had a small display problem and I contacted the developers who responded within the hour and resolved my problem just as quickly. Excellent developer service, very professional and fast, I recommend!

10 tháng trước

It's hard to find something truly wrong with this module! Everything works well, and if you encounter any questions - the developers are happy to help and are doing a great job! Thank you!