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Security & Access

Improve the security of your e-commerce site and manage your site access in just a few clicks.

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CAPTCHA - reCAPTCHA - Anti spam - Anti fake account

CAPTCHA - reCAPTCHA - Anti spam - Anti fake account


Get rid of spam emails and fake customer accounts with Google CAPTCHA - reCAPTCHA, IP blacklist, and email blacklist. The best PrestaShop captcha module for contact form, login and registration form, newsletter subscription, and all other forms.

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Introduce PrestaShop payment module

Payment With Fee - PayPal, COD & custom payment methods


Set extra fees (surcharge) for any PrestaShop payment module and card payment such as cash on delivery (COD), bank wire, PayPal, Stripe, Google Pay, etc., and create an unlimited number of custom payment methods with/without payment fees easily.

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Introduce PrestaShop social login module

Social Login - Google, Facebook, Tiktok, X, Amazon


Social Login provides quick user access through 30+ social networks, including Google, Facebook, Tiktok, X, and Amazon. It's simple, stable, and up-to-date with API updates.

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A free PrestaShop captcha module for contact form, login form, and registration form.

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Introduce PrestaShop login as customer module

Login As Customer: admin access user account


Unlock seamless customer support with Login As Customer! Instant access user account, no credentials needed. Empower admins to assist, view orders, and more. Multi-store & multi-language support for ultimate convenience.

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Age Verification

Age Verification


A free Prestashop Age Verification module that displays a popup asking the website visitors to confirm if they are in the required age to be able to access the site.

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Prestashop Social Locker module

PrestaShop Social Locker module

  • Drive social traffic to your website
  • Build up quality followers
  • Improve your website SEO ranking
  • Collect customer information
  • Quick install and easy to use
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Security Certification

Security Certification


Post safety/security certificate images on the website. Let the visitors know your site is safe and reliable with our PrestaShop security certification module.

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