Customers look for convenience.
People are attracted to online shopping from their smartphones quickly because online shopping facility is now becoming a need for consumers. Some online stores may have a very complicated checkout process that can reduce sales as well as enhance the dissatisfaction of customers. PrestaShop is providing a multi-step checkout page for default, but you can install a one-page checkout template from express checkout modules that are simpler to use and user-friendly.
Many professionals of e-commerce have debated for several years whether using one page or multistep checkout template can be a better step for online shopping or not.
In this article, we have tried to determine the notable differences between one-page checkouts, one-click checkouts, and multistep checkout advances and disadvantages. One thing you need to understand and remember is that every online e-commerce store is unique and is managed according to the choices or behaviors of the customers in the specific area.
By observing many times that one-page checkout and multi-step checkouts are not appropriate for all customers because they need to search for many items first before placing an order. By exploring all of the given options in this article, you can consider administering A/B test if you were uncertain and do not have an understanding of what types of checking-out systems are required for your online business.
PrestaShop express checkout module has the capability of displaying all of the standard checkout elements containing the shipping options, shipping, and billing addresses, basket contents, as well as payment information on just one page. Initially, one-page checkout also put simplification the checkout process into practice by clicking for only a few pages and a few times.
User-friendly, attractive, and easier – The PrestaShop one-page checkout has plus point that it looks simpler, attractive, user-friendly, and easy to use. The one-page checkout template can save your customers time in the store.
Fewer clicks – by having a one-page checkout template, the e-commerce stores need their customers to buy things though only clicking fewer times rather than those customers who perform clicking multiple times on multiple pages for one product.
Have a slow page or site speed – some of the contents of the product can have high volume due to their design and pictures, which can increase the load on the website as well as can also consume more time for loading on the page.
The customers only come and choose online stores for convenience in shopping but the slow speed of the site can have a negative impact on customers. Due to this reason, the potential customer can leave the online store for shopping and will like to shop from any other place.
Intimidating – it might be believed by some merchants that the express checkout process can be simplified by consolidating checkout information within a single page for customers. Furthermore, customers can be intimidated by long pages of forms, as well as they can be caused to abandon their shopping cart in the one-page checkout template. Moreover, the customers will face another problem that the scrolling will not end and they will become confused.
Read more: Having interested in PrestaShop one page checkout module? Let's take a look at our One Page Checkout module - an awesome solution to build and customize an one-page checkout template for your online store!
The multi-step checkout process has basically divided the checkout into different steps on different pages. The customers are required typically by Multi-step checkout for entering their preferred shipping, payment information, billing information, and address as well as the shipping method manually.
The customer likes PrestaShop’s multi-step checkout template because it provides them the option to select their desired payment methods, as well as check all of the information before placing the order. It is because the customers can familiarly check all of the products.
The PrestaShop web development manager has conducted the research and found that the customer purchases expensive products only on PrestaShop multistep checkout template because it allows them to check and think carefully before placing orders by confirming important information such as an address, phone number, and other information.
Here are the photos of the payment steps of the multi-step checkout process, each step will be on a separate page as below:
The one-click checkout is different from PrestaShop one-page checkout system. The customers are enabled to complete the online purchase with a single click. The customers should have entered their payment information as well as saved it in their accounts in order to one-click checkout for working.
The purpose of one-click checkout is to importantly minimize the time taken for checkout as well as provide the facility to enhance revenue.
In shipping the behavior of online customers, Amazon has played an important role. The patent for one-click checkout was owned by Amazon. Furthermore, it is the only online business that facilitates its customers through one-click checkout legally for twenty years. Therefore, the technology was offered by Barnes & Noble and Apple, but they had to purchase rights from Amazon.
Apple Pay is an excellent example of one-click checkout. Apple Pay has given a facility to merchants to use one-click checkout on their Mac computer, iPad, iPhone, and other Apple devices. They can use this service by touching it a single time. From the Apple Account customer, it pulls shipping and payment information very easily.
In conclusion, One-page Checkout has the ability to make simplifications the PrestaShop checkout steps. Furthermore, PrestaShop one-page checkout module is faster enough and easy to use along with high security. Its layout and design are providing a look premium and user-friendly design increasing the interaction of customers with a one-page checkout.
The checkout process is very simple in the PrestaShop one-page checkout and more secure. Because of its simpler checking out process, it can effectively reduce the cart abandonment rate. For increasing security, the Google reCAPTCHA feature has also been included in this one-page checkout module.