Export Customers
1 Review (4.0)
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Each license is valid for only one domain. If you want to install this module/theme on multiple sites, please purchase multiple licenses.

Export Customers

Version: 1.0.6
Compatible with: PrestaShop 1.7.x - 8.x
Export Customers
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A PrestaShop export customer data module - Select and sort the export fields as you like. Filter customer data by criteria before exporting.

Number of license ?
Each license is valid for only one domain. If you want to install this module/theme on multiple sites, please purchase multiple licenses.
Why purchase with us?
  • Best prices and discounts
  • 1-click install and upgrade with PrestaHero Connect
  • Keep your free modules up-to-date with PrestaHero Connect
  • Lifetime free update
  • Quality verified by PrestaHero

Customer data is fundamental to a successful business strategy. Businesses have long recognized the importance of data, harnessing it effectively to improve customer experience and adapting business strategies accordingly. Selecting and exporting the necessary customer data fields to serve different marketing purposes (for example, gathering email lists to import to mail services and run email marketing campaigns) is essential for most shop owners.

By default, PrestaShop requires exporting all existing data to a .csv file without the option to select specific fields. This can be inefficient as it may include unnecessary information. Our module to export customers in PrestaShop solves this problem by allowing you to select the desired fields for export, making it an essential tool for targeted marketing and in-depth customer data analysis.

Let’s refer to “Export Customers” – our PrestaShop export customer data module with great features that can assist you in this job!

  • Option to export customer data in PrestaShop store into .xls file or .csv file
  • Allow you to select and sort the export field as you like
  • Filter customer data by criteria before exporting
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  • Export customer information in PrestaShop into .xls file or .csv file
  • Allows you to select the fields to export.
  • Filter customer data quickly before exporting by Status, Newsletter, Partner, Register Date
  • Sort the order of fields to be exported by dragging and dropping.
  • Support multi-store mode.
  • Support multiple languages.


Step 1: Download and install PrestaHero Connect

Step 2: Reload your back office, then navigate to "PrestaHero > PrestaHero modules" and click on "Connect to PrestaHero" to connect your website with PrestaHero securely with your PrestaHero credentials.

Step 3: Find the module you purchased (or free) modules and click "Install" or "Upgrade" to install the modules or upgrade your modules any time a new version is released.


  • Premium download: besides installing the modules using PrestaHero Connect, you can open "My account > My downloads" page at PrestaHero and download your purchased modules.
  • Free download: you can download the installation package directly on the module details page at PrestaHero.
Change log

Version 1.0.6

  • Update compatibility with PrestaShop 8.1

Version 1.0.5

  • Fix bug for PrestaShop 8.x

Version 1.0.4

  • Update compatibility with PrestaShop 8.0

Version 1.0.3

  • Add new export filter option: export "Total orders", "Customer group"
  • New export file format: XLSX

Version 1.0.2

  • Fix bug: when clicking on "Dashboard" link of the back office, the user will be navigated to "Export customers" page
  • The null data on exported file will not display as "--" value

Version 1.0.1

Released version

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★★★★★ Excellent 0
★★★★☆ Good 1
★★★☆☆ Medium 0
★★☆☆☆ Poor 0
★☆☆☆☆ Terrible 0

  • Reviews (1)
  • Questions & Answers (4)