FAQ – Product Questions & Answers (Q&A)
7 Reviews (5.0)
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Each license is valid for only one domain. If you want to install this module/theme on multiple sites, please purchase multiple licenses.

FAQ – Product Questions & Answers (Q&A)

Version: 1.0.9
Compatible with: PrestaShop 1.6.x - 8.x
FAQ – Product Questions & Answers (Q&A)
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FAQ section on the product page
"Ask a question" form +3 More
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Create FAQ page and FAQ (Q&A) tab on product page – 2 IN 1 Prestashop FAQ module! Receive and answer questions from your customers with “Ask a question” form. FAQ module - professional, easy to install, and simple to use!

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Each license is valid for only one domain. If you want to install this module/theme on multiple sites, please purchase multiple licenses.
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Receiving daily emails from your customers with the same questions about your products and services? Spending hours to answer the repeated questions?

That might be a general problem all online shops would meet, it wastes a lot of time to answer all the questions from customers. We understand all the problems so we made FAQ – an awesome Prestashop FAQ module that would help you save a lot of time by creating a professional FAQ page (and also FAQ tab on product page) where you can list all the repeated questions with respective answers.

Let’s discover how great FAQ is and why it helps you improve the quality of your customer service.


1. Professional FAQ page and FAQ tab for product page

As stated in the overview, FAQ is a 2 IN 1 Prestashop FAQ module, it allows you to create both FAQ page and FAQ tab for product page.

  • FAQ page: The module helps you quickly create a professional and attractive FAQ page with a list of pre-made questions & answers. The questions & answers are grouped into sections with open/close boxes will help customers browse the question & answer list easily to find out the information they’re looking for.
  • FAQ tab on product page: Along with FAQ page, FAQ also offers you a great feature that is FAQ tab for product page, you can add a FAQ section to your PrestaShop store by selecting all questions & answers related to a product and put them on the product details page. This will help your customer a lot to understand your products and encourage them to buy!


2. “Ask a question” form

This FAQ module for Prestashop allows customer to send questions to your email via a question form on the FAQ page. This is useful for the customer if they can’t find the information they want from your FAQ page with pre-made questions & answers.

You can answer your customer questions via email when they’re sent to you or answers them directly via a reply form from your backend. You can also mark the questions as frequently asked questions to display them on your FAQ page.

FAQ provides CAPTCHA security feature which helps protect the “ask a question” form from spam questions created by auto-fill robots.


3. Easy management

  • Backend is implemented with jQuery Ajax: We pay a lot of care to the backend design of the module and take advantage of using jQuery Ajax to avoid page reloads when working with the backend. This helps you save time when adding, editing, deleting, or sorting questions & answers.
  • Visual editor: FAQ is the unique Prestashop FAQ module that provides a visual backend editor. Questions & answers are organized visually as how they’re displayed on frontend, this feature is very useful because it helps you quickly see the result of your backend work without having to go to frontend to check.
  • Question & answer groups: This feature helps you categorize your questions & answers. This will help you manage the questions & answers easier when they become huge! It also helps customers easier in browsing through the questions & answers on frontend.


4. SEO and optimization

  • Friendly URL: FAQ offers you the capacity to make custom friendly URL for your FAQ page. This is the most important factor that will improve your SEO rank on Google or any other internet search engine.
  • Metadata supported: FAQ is the best FAQ module for Prestashop which provides meta-data for SEO purposes. It supports custom meta titles, meta descriptions, and meta keywords.
  • HTML optimized: the module is optimized with SEO on all HTML tags, it’s checked to make sure your FAQ page as well as the product FAQ tab is completely friendly with SEO.

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FAQ is the most powerful Prestashop FAQ module that provides all the things you need to create professional FAQ features for your website:


1. General features

  • Create FAQ page and FAQ tab on the product page
  • Categorize frequently asked questions
  • Open/close content of answers on frontend
  • Option to open all answers by default on FAQ page


2. Question form

  • Provides “Ask a question form” allowing your customers to send any questions to you easily
  • Send questions via email
  • Save questions at backend
  • Reply to a question via backend
  • CAPTCHA security
  • Custom form title and description
  • Custom receiver email
  • “Ask a question” button on product page (product question)
  • Option to enable/disable the “ask a question” form on the FAQ page
  • Option to enable/disable the “ask a question” button on the product page
  • Option to enable/disable CAPTCHA security code


3. Management

  • Ajax backend
  • Option to add, edit delete questions using Ajax (no page reloads)
  • Option to add, edit delete question groups using Ajax
  • Option to sort questions and group using Ajax


4. SEO optimization

  • Friendly URL
  • Custom meta title
  • Custom meta keywords
  • Custom meta description
  • HTML is optimized for SEO

Step 1: Download and install PrestaHero Connect

Step 2: Reload your back office, then navigate to "PrestaHero > PrestaHero modules" and click on "Connect to PrestaHero" to connect your website with PrestaHero securely with your PrestaHero credentials.

Step 3: Find the module you purchased (or free) modules and click "Install" or "Upgrade" to install the modules or upgrade your modules any time a new version is released.


  • Premium download: besides installing the modules using PrestaHero Connect, you can open "My account > My downloads" page at PrestaHero and download your purchased modules.
  • Free download: you can download the installation package directly on the module details page at PrestaHero.
Change log

Version 1.0.9

  • Module improvements

Version 1.0.7

  • Update compatibility with PrestaShop 8.x
  • Module improvements

Product Reviews / Q&A

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7 Reviews
★★★★★ Excellent 6
★★★★☆ Good 0
★★★☆☆ Medium 0
★★☆☆☆ Poor 0
★☆☆☆☆ Terrible 0

  • Reviews (7)
  • Questions & Answers (2)