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Additional Information & Product Tab

Add tabs and information to your product pages to provide visitors with as much information as possible, reassure them, convert them into customers and limit product returns!

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Introduce PrestaShop product custom field module

Custom fields & tabs on product page


A PrestaShop custom product field module allows you to add custom fields & product tabs anywhere on the product page. Support multiple types of content such as text, select, checkbox, video, image, file, date, color, etc.

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Introduce PrestaShop custom field module

Extra Customer Fields for registration & checkout page


Add extra customer fields to the registration form and checkout page by using the PrestaShop custom field module. Collect additional customer information when they create an account or place an order.

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Product image rollover free module for Prestashop

Product Image Rollover


This module provides a product rollover effect for your store so that when a person hovers their mouse pointer over a product, several changes occur; the product image changes and also displays product details like the product price and also additional buttons to display more details about the product. Since this image rollover effect is not found in PrestaShop by default, having a PrestaShop image rollover module to obtain the feature is essential.  

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Products on CMS or anywhere

Products on CMS or anywhere


Allow you to display selected products on CMS pages, home page, product descriptions, etc. or anywhere you want using short code.

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Most popular products

Most popular products


A free PrestaShop featured products module to add a block displaying your store's most popular products on various positions

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Viewed Products

Viewed Products


Viewed Products is a free PrestaShop viewed products module that allows you to display a list of viewed products on various positions: Homepage, product pages, left column, right column, etc. The product list is saved for logged-in customers.

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Product Note

Product Note


Product Note is a free PrestaShop product note module that allows you to add and display notes about some specific information of products on the product detail page.

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New products block

New products block


Free PrestaShop new products block module - Update your store's newest products automatically. Display a block on various positions to show customers your latest products.

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Special products block

Special products block


A FREE solution for displaying your store's special products block on various positions - PrestaShop special products block module

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Best Selling Products

Best Selling Products


A free Prestashop best selling product module helps you add a block displaying your store's top-selling products in various positions.

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Total Product Sold

Total Product Sold


Total Product Sold is a PrestaShop sales count free module that helps you count and display the number of total sold items for each product on the product detail page and product listing page.

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